Senin, 22 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ The Tenth Life of Mr. Whiskers by R. A. Gates

The Tenth Life of Mr. Whiskers by R. A. Gates

The Tenth Life of Mr. Whiskers

The Tenth Life of Mr. Whiskers by R. A. Gates PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Mr. Whiskers is dead—muerto—shuffled off his mortal coil. All Laney had to do was watch the store and feed the cat. Too bad she hadn't known there was a cat. She has a plan, though. An obscure spell contains the power to grant life, only long enough to save her job, and her vacation in Paris. Just because she botches the simplest of spells doesn't mean she can't control complicated magic, right? The mysterious new guy at school, Kody, goes along for the ride; providing emotional support and, well, let's be honest, he's just hot. After struggling through the spell—when nothing seems to be going right—they find that giving Mr. Whiskers a tenth life turns out to be more than they bargained for.

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